
مجموعة العناية للبشرة كثيرة المشاكل من رشاحة الحلزون الايسنس و الكريم

A care kit for the skin with many problems from snail leaching and cream Vip collection of Snail Essence and all in One cream A group of skin care with many problems from snail filtrate essence and cream. 🐌🐌🐌🐌 The first product Alinsys consists of 96% of the natural snail filtrate, an important important applied to wet skin.... And follow the movement by applying a moisturizing cream from the snail 92% all in one, to save moisture for the skin. Group Benefits: ✅️ High skin hydration Continuous improves the appearance of facial lines ✅️ Reduces the appearance of dead skin and gently ✅️ treats skin Reduces skin darkening and has been used on pigmented skin and has been shown to be effective to reduce them ✅️ The highest selling Korean product so far without a competitor ✅️ Look out!! Just choose the original to benefit more
Seller: Glowing essence
170.00 AED